Light, fresh with satisfying sweetness. Blend of fine dark Cavendish and flue-cured bright Virginias. Flavored with a sweet concoction of food flavorings that J.M. likes to experiment with. Excellent room note, you will fall in love with this one!
Joseph Bryden (verified owner) –
As the name implies this blend has a sweet taste to it that leaves a pleasant aftertaste as well. Burns smooth and easy. This is something special imo and has become one of my favorites, good enough for any occasion.
arcticdaddy –
Like Boswell’s Paradise-a pleasing sweet smoke that has a beautiful room note. It has been a staple in my rotation for years. Never bites. Never fails to please.
Dean Caynor (verified owner) –
This and No Bite Delite are my absolute favorites
Northen Bear (verified owner) –
Veryyy Berry….I really enjoyed this blend and Cherry Vanilla. No bite.
derek2daniels (verified owner) –
Fantastic blend in both taste and smell. Perfect amount of cherry mixed with other delicious tastes. Perfect for when you are around others ; It has the best room note I’ve experienced to date. This is the definition of a fine, well-made aromatic tobacco.
William Woodford (verified owner) –
Absolutely wonderful! I am new to pipe smoking and was looking for something pleasant and mild, with a great flavor and wonderful room note. Sweet Dreams has become the gold standard by which I compare all other aromatics!