In just a few short years, Quorum Nicaraguan Handmades have become the No. 1 selling imported handmade bundle cigar in the world. The Newman’s dedication to quality has been materialized in these smooth, medium-bodied cigars available at a price accessible to even the most discriminating of wallets.
Quorum cigars are handmade in Nicaragua, a country known for rich soil producing some of the world’s
Available in three varieties, Classic, Shade and Maduro. These cigars contain binders and wrappers that make each blend unique.
Quorum bundles are keystone plus profit and proven sellers, meaning more money for your pocket at the end of the day. Truly an international brand, Quorum cigars are recognized worldwide for their handmade quality at a machine made price
- Quorum is a smooth and flavorful cigar in medium strength. The Nicaraguan fillers and binders signal dependable quality all the way, and the Ecuadoran Connecticut shade wrapper even adds a hint of exotic elegance.
- 6 x 50
- Toro Bundle of 20
- Nicaraguan